Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm still alive, y'all!

It's been a long time (cue Boston song) since I last wrote. Well, what's been going on with my life?

Well, this: I learned that I have no perception of time anymore. I am currently suffering the equivalent of teenage-driver depth-perception. Therefore, my timing on things is teh suck. (By the way, I use chat-speak just because it's funny. I really don't think it's the future of language, so no flaming...)

Anyhoo, I also failed my goal on reading 29 short stories in 29 days. It became a chore on the 11th day. By the 24th day, I gave up. Yet, I now love H.P. Lovecraft, so some good came out of it!

No updates on my writing really, just working on random short stories for my class. School's going okay, but I'm getting the message (stop sucking on quizzes!)

Sorry that this isn't a true update, I'll try to keep this up more often.

Until next time, I rock to thoughts about Greek mythology.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Writers have the power, dammit!

As you all know, the WGA strike is coming to an end. It's not about the shows, it's the hope that writers get what they earned.

Check out the news and updates here at United Hollywood. The article where I first heard the news: at Yahoo!


A Note to the WGA writers:

I only hope that you all are getting what you rightfully earned. You guys worked very hard and made some sacrifices. But, it's people like you that's going to make it easier for the next generation. Thank you so much for standing up for your rights and fighting the good fight. Bless you and happy writing!



Friday, February 1, 2008

Random update time!

Well, it's the beginning of the new month and I decided on yet another random goal:

29 Short Stories in 29 Days.

All though this lovely month (depending on where you're living), I will read one short story a day. I had made a list of them and I just scratch off the one I wanted to read for that day.

The prize? More inspiration and techniques stored in the membrane, I guess...

Today's short story (or novella) was George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil". I guess I expected too much from this, because it didn't satisfy my secret love for morbid Gothic stuff. I didn't really connect with any of the characters (then again, relating to a clairvoyant is pretty hard for someone as incredibly boring as myself). It moved along at a reasonable pace, overall, a good read.

I don't know if it's me, but sometimes I have a hard time deciphering sentence structures in Victorian literature. I can understand what they're conveying about half of the time, maybe even three-fourths if I'm really into it. Yet, I had a devil of a time with "Veil". Then again, I did read this while I was riding on the bus and I was still waking up.

Nonetheless, I have my moments. As for writing, nothing special going on. Just going along.

That's about it from here, I leave you rocking to nothing, yet thinking about Demeter myths (for a class I'm taking).
