Thursday, March 20, 2008

Look children, here's an idiot! *is pointing to self*

Welcome back to yet another episode of "What the Hell Was I So Upset About?" Enough of the joking, let's get down to business.

As I said in my last entry, I was worried that a bunch of ideas I had come up with were not original and possibly from other sources. Well, I did some fact-checking and sure enough... I had come up with the ideas long before (well, at least for the one idea that mattered. The others... I'm just gonna change 'em.).
Sure, I may have to make some changes, but it has gotten me thinking about how I react to things. Of course, it's all a work-in-progress. After all, I still am a young person with many years ahead of me. I'm not kicking myself too hard for acting the way I did. I just got to calm the hell down first and then begin my long-term mulling.


Joyous news to cap off the end of my unnecessary worry: I got a Waterman pen! I don't have a picture readily available, but imagine a nice-looking (and expensive... *mumbles*) blue pen that has a lovely dark aqua ink. That's my Georgie! I name my things... c'mon, I'm not insane!

I have plans to use Georgie to keep a journal and maybe begin writing longhand in nicer journals. Now, I'm off to go improve my handwriting!

I leave you all, rocking out to... nothing. Wow, that's a new one. Hopefully, in the future, it would either be music or random thoughts. Until then... bye!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

A book to share with you all... and an actual update

Just last night, I just finished reading Richard Matheson's What Dreams May Come.

I... loved... this... book!

If you haven't read it, drop whatever you're doing and go get it. If you seen the movie, the book is so much better (this time, I actually mean that).

The essential story is wonderful, but all the mechanical things (i.e. the afterlife business, etc.) are so rich yet not over my head. Do read this with an open mind, since it does cover the afterlife and not necessarily a monoreligious one.

I'm officially a Matheson fan. I now have Hell House and Somewhere In Time (Bid Time Return) left to read.

Anyhoo, if you would like more information, go here to read up on it and maybe... order it.

Happy reading!

P.S.: I also recommend Earthbound. Very good story too!


Lately, I'm having a huge problem. I don't know if it's stress that mantifests into random worries or whatever, but...

Here's the thing: I write stories and I would later look back and see that either certain elements or subplots or characters or other little things seem to trace back to something I've either read a long time ago or I'm just familiar with the plot. Most of the time, it's uninentional. It's beginning to really get under my skin.

People tell me that "it's natural, don't worry", "go change it a bit", but I still am so paranoid about it. I guess I worry about being original too much. I mean, you can only go so far with originality. What do you think, y'all? Any tips, advice? Virtual slaps upside the head? Lord knows I need the latter... :P (Note: I only use emoticons as a semi-joke. Even so, I like the :P one. Don't panic, I'm not acknowledging they are the wave of new language.)

I leave you all, rocking out to those worrisome thoughts I discussed about. Well, rocking to them wouldn't be right. Maybe... mulling over.
