Sunday, July 18, 2010

Novel update with a side order of lulz

I know, I know, I used chatspeak. What are you gonna do about it?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Nuthing. So pfft to you too.

So, I'm pretty far into Part 1, having to backtrack to fill in some deep holes. Y'know, descriptions, emotions, and showy stuff? Yeah, not really supposed to do that or I'll never get the damn thing to a draft, but powerful forces beyond my control (i.e. guilt) don't let me go any further.

So, I found this article earlier. It's about this prose-analyzing software that checks your language and style, which then tells you which respected author you apparently sound like. For the lulz, I ran Part 1 of Invisible through and got William Gibson.

But when I ran the Prologue to Invisible and then the entirety of Blues, I got this:

I write like
Vladimir Nabokov
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Holy s***. And to think I ripped on Lolita earlier this year. BTW, I do plan on rereading the book, so my chances of going to English Major Graduate Hell lessen... and maybe half of my buddies from college don't attack me.

Until next time, take care and watch out for the nuclear porcupines. Those little f***ers are getting bad this season...


DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know this writing analyzer thing isn't meant to be taken seriously. This message was for those who actually clutched their pearls and thought "Egads! Lindsey's no Nabokov! And shame on you, especially since you didn't like Lolita!"

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