Saturday, March 7, 2009

Brief update...

I have to be at work in about thirty minutes, so here's a update... in bullet list form!

  • No more sicky. The "strep throat" healed. Must've been just a nasty-ass sore throat then.
  • Found a nice old hardcover edition of The Agony and the Ecstasy. Excellent.
  • Gonna go see Watchmen tonight. Yea! :D
  • Gonna work on my writing over Spring Break.
  • Planning to watch Suicide Club when it comes in from Netflix. Man, good luck to me. This film's pretty gory... D: (Saw its sequel Noriko's Dinner Table on a whim. Pretty good film.)
  • Got suddenly interesting in J-horror movies and novels. How odd...
I leave you, wondering what the hell am I thinking on seeing such a gory film...


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