Saturday, February 26, 2011

I have decided to disappear, apparently...

I hate it when that happens. It would be just an ordinary day, me sitting in my room and reading a book (in this case, Party of One: The Loners' Manifesto) or listening to new music (in this case, King Crimson's debut album) when all of the sudden, I just don't give a damn about going on the Internet and posting on my blog. And so... here we are, over a week later. And nothing from me, until now.

I guess where I'm going with this is just a note to say hello to the few that read my blog.

I have been making great use of my local library. Borrowing books I've been meaning to read and enjoying them. Also, it helps me from buying books that I encounter at the bookstore. Hopefully, this will help me save money in the long run.

Nothing much else here. Until next time...

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