Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Freezing like boxed dinners here...

Well, here's a surprise: Texas with freezing temperatures. Apparently, in my major big-major city, there are rolling blackouts to meet the demands (and also, half of a power plant has been shut down for service, or so my father tells me). I do work tonight at the bookstore, so I'm sure things will be interesting.

The below-freezing temperatures are expected to be here for at least two more days and then, right back to the average of at least 55 degrees. Weather here is very interesting, to say the least. 


As for the novel, yeah, I'm stuck again. I was rolling into Part 2 like a boss (as usual) when I started thinking about how poorly constructed and written Part 1 (and some of the Prologue) was. We're talking about missing scenes, lack of description and development. So after pondering about it (i.e., freaking out), I lost courage and haven't done a thing in about a week now.

I do have tentative plans to go back through the Prologue and Parts 1-2 once I complete Part 2. But should I just soldier on and finish the damn thing? You see, normally novels get shorter when going through drafts and editing. I feel that Invisible is going to get bigger. Seems like a random complaint. But y'all, it's hard, alright?! /sarcasm

I just need to rediscover the courage, or just jump into the cold water. In this case, it would probably be ice-cold.


Well, since I rely on action, better put on a swimsuit!

0 musing(s):