Monday, March 25, 2013


I'll be heading to San Francisco in June! Very excited! After weeks of pre-planning, I booked my flight and hotel. My plan is to use public transportation to get around  mainly the MUNI and BART (only for the airport trips, though) and visit the sights I missed on my first go (this was back in '06). I'm sure a ton has changed since I was last there. I also plan on mostly checking out the restaurants, bookstores, and a few music stores, but not get too carried away. I do have limited monies.

As for the job search, I think I will wait until the trip is done to do that, plus I'm going to take the time before that to research job prospects (like what skills could transfer to, say, an office position), talk to job counselors at my alma mater, and even work on some skills that could make me look excellent (like learning more about Excel, etc.).

I may even enter a few contests, but not too many. Need to save some money, after all. So yeah, not too many big purchases for a while. The last big one, not related to the trip that is, is the newest BioShock, which comes out tomorrow (yea!).

I will post entries about San Francisco once it occurs and all that. With that in mind, I realize I have neglected to post the last post from the NYC trip last year. I do apologize for keeping y'all waiting and will be right on it this week.

Sorry for my lack of posts these days. Been forgetting about my humble blog. Let's change that, shall we?

0 musing(s):