Saturday, May 24, 2014

Some sorta updates... *snores*

Well, life is always coming at me from all sides, so naturally I find myself unable to do certain things. But here we are, on Memorial Day weekend, and I have today off to do nothing but laze around like the loaf of sourdough bread I am*.

Phone interviews went well, but did not translate to second interviews or offers for employment. I must soldier on. There is a career fair the day after another interview, so I'm going to take advantage of that. After those two major events, I will do another sweep of job hunts and blanket all the banks with résumés and cover letters.

Writing has been on and off, just scribbling into my Moleskine Volant with a varied selection of Pilot Precise V5 pens between lulls in my work shifts, whenever inspiration strikes. That's why I'm always with a notebook and pen these days. But today I will work on a novel project long dormant and now ready to be worked on. God help me. 8-/

Been having plantar fasciitis issues again, but have found solace in an excellent foot lotion and an Accu-Tap massager my parents have. It does wonders on my heels. I did about ten minutes per heel yesterday before my closing shift and I hardly had any pain. Very nice!

However, I was struck with a low blood-sugar attack before I went to bed late last night, so I was unable to sleep, being sweaty and shaky. I stayed up about an extra forty-five minutes, eating some almonds and cheese with a tangerine. And some Lorna Doones and Mountain Dew Baja Blast (limited time only!).

So wow. Man. Lemme return next week with an ACTUAL entry of some substance. Until then, remember kids, tangerines will save your life.

*But surely I am the prettiest loaf of sourdough bread this side of the Mississippi's ever seen!

0 musing(s):