I also got a fire under my butt concerning my job. My scorecard wasn't looking all that great (in fact, it's plain bad) despite that I have the customer service skills and I have a good handling of the material back from training. But it was hard for me to secure payments since I was getting too scared. And this fear could cost me all this if something wasn't done. But thanks to the kindness of a co-worker, I have gotten much better. In fact, we anticipate my scorecard being the best it's been next month. But honestly, I don't think I would've gotten even to where I am right now without my co-worker's help and generosity. So thank you, dear co-worker and friend*. (Fun fact: she was also struggling to get better and has now become our team's best performer. So not only did she come from a similar place, but decided to help out her team!) When I asked her what made her want to help me, along with helping a couple others, she said that she couldn't "stand to see people failing and nothing being done about it". Folks, this is what a great co-worker acts like.
So, more than ever, I am learning to work hard for everything I got. I have bills to pay, money to save up, and big decisions to make**. But I am beyond thankful that I have a supportive family and a team of co-workers that want to see me succeed so badly that they're stepping out to show me what got them to where they are.
So, thanks everybody! *all the hugs*
And yeah, reading Psycho-Cybernetics is helping quite a bit too.
*No naming names, y'all. Unless I have permission, of course!**mostly of the financial variety, thankfully!
ETA: my next post is my 500th, OMG. Honestly, I don't have anything planned, but you never know what could happen. But, heads-up: it could go either way. Awesome thing or weekly update.
And now... a random gif.:
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