Saturday, January 31, 2009

Updates and such... in a bullet list.

Before I make the list.. happy 20th birthday, sis! Yea! *blows party horn and throws confetti*

Now... bullet list.
  • Just started reading this. So far, I hate it. But, there is no other option. It's for class... blah.
  • Began A Midsummer Night's Dream. So far, it's pretty good. It's not beating The Tempest, though.
  • Nearing the halfway point on Jane Eyre. I'm trying to figure out if I want to crack open Wuthering Heights after this...
  • I got my mom's cold. Yea...
  • Most of the "how-to" writing books I've been reading are getting on my nerves.
  • No more TV for today!
I'm about a fourth of the way in New Moon. Okay, if (and that's a big IF) I was a fan of the series, I would've been on Team Jacob. Well, until... I finish reading the rest of the books. 'Cause, what I hear, he ends up being no better than Sparkly-Boob.

Yes, and may I complain about something? Okay, thank you, whoever granted me permission. Alright, Bella is a total idiot. I know, being obvious here, but I can't believe HOW MUCH of one she is. Edward isn't worth it. AT ALL. I wish she could move on, even past Jacob, and just grow a freaking spine. But no. She doesn't. (Read the plot summaries on Wikipedia if you don't believe me)

/random rant

Right now, I'm listening to Sheryl Crow's "There Goes the Neighborhood". Good Lord, I forgot about this song. Oh yeah... and I don't enjoy it much now. In fact, I got really tired of her.

Anyway, I leave you, reliving my strange music tastes as a teenager...


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