Sunday, September 27, 2009

Down but not completely out...

Yeah, it's been over a week since I last updated this here blog. Since it's a new season, the temperatures change and the nights start to become longer (well, not until October) it leads to... you guessed it, sickness! I'm doing much better and the worst of it is over, but it'll be a little longer before I fully recover.

And no, it's not H1N1. I don't know why I have to say this, but there you go.

As for school, I've played catch-up long enough. I finished Pride and Prejudice (which I liked okay), read almost all the essays up to the current one in my Philosophy of Religion class, turned in my story for workshop (and got some great feedback!), and Shakespeare remains boring as ever. Don't get me wrong, I love reading the plays, but the class never talks about the plots, just more on the context.

I've been reading on and off, but nothing's catching on. And school keeps getting in the way. Mostly the latter. But, expect a formal review of this book in the near future. If I can only remember my initial thoughts before I stopped...

As for non-school writing, uhm... uh... yeah...

Hope y'all are magpies! *throws shiny object and runs away*

So, I've been struggling to maintain a balance of work and fun. And wow, is it hard.

Until next time, goodbye for now...

0 musing(s):