Sunday, February 21, 2010

This is an update, signifying something

It's been a long game of playing catch-up. While I've been working on the second draft of a short story written a while back, I also have been establishing other habits, like:

-writing something every day
-journal at least every other day
-avoiding TV like it carries H1N1
-trying to play all the video games I own
-(possibly) getting lessons to learn how to play guitar
-read every day
-watch a movie at least twice a week

I'm also addicted to Tumblr and Twitter these days. It's easy to get trapped in the former. I follow a ton of writing/reading blogs. One inspired me to purchase Piccadilly notebooks. So far, digging those little Moleskine-lookalikes.

Really, there is nothing else to say. Maybe I'll give y'all a little book review. How
'bout that?

Okay, lemme find a book and I'll do a nice review of it... soon.

0 musing(s):