Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey, I'm still here!

Sorry for nothing after the last entry. I've been busy doing nothing, as usual, but I finally began working on Invisible again. Damn, took me way too long to begin working on it again. I noticed, as I was writing, that I was cringing what I was writing. Where are the details? Man, I can't paint a good picture of pure chaos. So, that what was truly holding me back. I was afraid of not doing it right the first time. Ahhh, but you never will get it right the first time. But the next time you will. Sounds like Billy Joel lyrics. (Yes, I was thinking of "Get It Right the First Time" from The Stranger.)

Either way, on that and doing some stuff to prepare for a most difficult job search, that will include possibly moving away in the next few months. We'll have to see.

On a lighter note, here is my (so far) favorite song of 2012:

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