Monday, October 29, 2012

Hello again, world!

I've been busy these days, sorry for not much on here. I've been working on another novel, prepping for NaNoWriMo, my second go at getting into grad school, working my job (which now involves working in the bargain books area!), and catching up on my movie-watching, my book-reading, and music-listening. Okay, so a lot of stuff, along with cleaning my home and rearranging things. Just the usual adult stuff... well, I think it is adult. I'll have to come back to y'all on that.

I'll talk more about NaNoWriMo: Round Two, along with "Grad School, You Have to Accept Me" in the future. Not sure what to do about my reviews blog. It's been silent for a long time. Perhaps a nuanced review of the new Silent Hill movie, or perhaps something different?

Once again, I'll get back to y'all on that. Bye for now!

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