Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012: Houston, We Have Cowbell!

Okay, I hit the ground running today, getting to 3,000 words. That's going to be the daily goal; along with finishing the grad school application and finishing my current novel project. So yeah, a f***-ton of writing. To be honest, every time I write 2,000 words a day, I feel I don't do enough. But that's the thing: that's a lot of words... for ONE project. I need to have several going. Plus, I could prevent burnout by switching mindsets for different ideas.

But I have to be careful. I don't want to hurt myself with this. But here is my solemn promise: if things get nasty during the month, I'll drop NaNoWriMo and work on what's important at the moment: the application. We'll have to see as the month goes on...

Happy writing!

0 musing(s):