Saturday, September 20, 2014

Damn that television! What a bad picture!

From the Talking Heads song lyrics I used, guess what the big news is?


My good friend (applied for so many jobs through their career website, I feel like I know them for ages) JPMorgan Chase decided to take me on as a Specialist in their Collections department. It is full-time, chock full of benefits, and shockingly good pay (about $13 an hour!! O_O). Yes, it's in a call center, but I've talked about how I don't really mind that. I really want to try out something new.

Now, the big question: so, you'll be leaving Barnes & Noble then?

Well, not really. I do have Sundays free (both from training and subsequent employment) and I want to ease out of B&N not with a full disappearing act, but a subtle vanishing. Plus, I want to help them find and train a new part-time cash office person. And leaving two months before the Christmas rush? Not ideal, or so I understand. So no, I won't be working as much with them (only one day a week) yet I may leave once either the new job takes over everything or whatever else could happen.

My financial woes are going to be a thing of the past. I can get my car fixed! I won't be working a full Christmas schedule in retail for the first time in YEARS. My birthday and Christmas arrived early, y'all. OMG!

And now, the acceptance speech part of this whole shebang:

  • Thanks to my parents and my little sister for supporting me when times got rough, for rooting me on when I prepped for interviews and needed help picking out interview outfits, and being just as excited as me when I got the news.
  • Thanks to JPMorgan Chase for taking me on. You will not regret hiring me, I assure you! You are getting a wonderful, quality employee that will bring you results and then some! 110% pure awesomeness right here!
  • Thanks to my three references: two of my managers at B&N and a close friend/former professor for taking on that responsibility. I will be thanking you more in person very soon. Prepare for hugs! 
  • Thanks to my friends and co-workers for their support and interviewing tips. Hey, y'all want to take on a similar job? I'll put in a good word for ya! ;)
  • Thanks to the song "Level Up" by Vienna Teng. I knew choosing this as my theme song of the year was going to lead to good things. And to Ms. Teng, thank you so much for writing such a powerful and inspiring song.
  • Thanks to Barnes & Noble for seven-plus years of crazy, wild, and wonderful adventures in retail. While I am not leaving you yet, our time together is growing shorter. I will cherish every moment and I hope you will too. I will never forget where I started from. 

And with that said and done, the job hunt is over. Ray, my main man, take us out:

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