...except the elections. Boy, I can already see it will NOT be fun there. No matter who wins, we're all gonna lose. Unless Sanders gets it, then we'll be fine*.
Anyway, this is not about politics. This is about me, this blog, and the future. What does it hold? I'm sure you're already away, but for those who don't, I am currently training at a new job as a customer service rep for a huge healthcare insurance company. I'm set to take calls for the first time next week (for a little while, then we're off again to learn about DHMOs for two weeks), so I'm focusing my energy at this moment on getting over those initial jitters and the learning curve that will follow.
Alongside that, I'm also doing something very big this year: I am putting my main focus on my writing. This year I am and I will create and continue a writing habit, a habit that will get me published and paid for my writing (something long overdue IMHO). I'm staring off with a flash fiction challenge and also keeping daily entries in my paper journal. Then I will also post more often here and then of course, any ongoing projects. I also plan on entering more contests and taking more chances like that with my writing. Challenge myself to do something different!
I also am expanding myself socially by going to church (more on that in a future entry) and being open to social activities at my job as well.
I am also taking huge steps to improving my health, both physical and mental. I am eating and drinking better, keeping a food journal, and will start exercising for 30 minutes twice a week starting tomorrow. I am shooting to lose about 40 pounds, but if I hit 35, I will be a happy camper there as well. I got an ugly wake-up call last year when I went to the doctor's and later when I weighed myself at my parents' place last Sunday.
As I go forward on this journey, I am thankful I have this little space on the Internet to catalog all this for myself (and whoever is interested too!). If you have big plans, or even little schemes, feel free to share them in the comments!
Here's to 2016, the year I turn 30!
...whoa, I'm going to be 30 this year.
*It's sad how he's the best of everyone, but has no chance of getting the nomination. A snowball has a better chance in surviving hell. But I would love to be wrong here!
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