Saturday, July 2, 2016

I Swear to Gone, I'm Not God!

Sorry for the lack of posts. I didn't really set this up properly. I wanted to do a posting on ever Wednesday and Saturday, but I haven't established that habit yet. It is a work in progress.

Here is what's been going down since I last wrote:

  • Despite the raise in rent, I am going to stay for one more year at the abode. I plan to negotiate something, but it's not gonna make me leave if I don't succeed.
  • Turns out I am not going to get a bonus for May. Dammit. And to make it better, not for this last month either! UGH
  • My credit cards' balances are going back up, so I need to put a stop to that. 
  • My weight-loss journey has slowed to a crawl. I need to do something to get back on track. Exercise maybe? (Yes)
  • My reading habits have slowed down too and have been trying to play catch-up and finish my currently-reading list, along with any library borrows. 

Yeah, this is not exactly the happiest of entries, but it is what it is. Who knows where I could be this time next month. There is only one way to find out...

0 musing(s):