Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well, dammit...

I came home from work to see if my 360 was working, since my sis told me it was giving her a hard time the other day. So I switched it on, and yes... I got the Red Ring of Death.

I'm upset, but mostly because I had the system for two years with only minor issues up 'til now. All that is left to be done is send it out to Microsoft and hope for the best.

My Ps2 will be getting some action (hur-hur).


I wrote about 2,000+ words for the story. I fear that I don't write down enough detail, so that may be why my stories are turning out to be shorter than I wanted them to be. I hurry to the action and don't savor the details. Speaking of savoring, I'm hungry. So, good night for now.

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