Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Allow me to contradict myself...

After recalling this entry, and of course future entries like this one and also this, and this one... and the post below this one, I must proclaim the actual truth:

I am an Anti-Twilighter. I am not ashamed of this anymore. I was before, hence the entry back in November '08.


Lemme refer back to the initial entry:

"I hate the Twilight series. I had read the first book and thought of it as boring, unimpressive, peopled with unrelatable and flat characters, and fraught with lost opportunities. I have zero interest in reading the other books for the same reasons. I think the series' success is unjustified. The vampires sparkle. I watched the film online... and it wasn't even funny, it was just awful."

I also made attempts to read the second one and well...

"I tried, but honestly, I have better things to do. I can't finish New Moon. If I wanted to hear someone bitch, I would record myself and loop it."

I also tried listening to the third and fourth on YouTube (audiobooks, JSYK) I got to the honeymoon part in the last book. My sister and I, our faces were like this O_O the whole way through.


"I mentioned to my manager the other day that I saw the movie. She asked me an interesting question: "if you didn't like the book, why did you see the movie?" I told her because I wanted to laugh at it. Now, it makes me realize that I should've left well alone. Moved on after reading the first book, instead of jumping onto the hatred bandwagon."

Well, I have nothing to gain by jumping on the Anti-Twilight bandwagon. I'm not gonna get new friends or anything like that. Nor will I lose anything either.

I tried the hands-off approach, but let's face it. I work at a bookstore. I see the books all time. I can't stay silent forever. I even have recommended other books when people asked me if Twilight was good for their teens.

"Look, there are better things to read and see. But, it's not my place to be so damn judgmental on people's choice of entertainment. If Twilight and the rest of the series tickles them pink, let them have it. I have my things and I'm pretty damn happy."

This is where I'm going to be contradictory. I really cannot understand how people can read them even for fun. Even with fun reads, I like my work to look like some damn effort was put into them. Note that I'm not saying those who read the books are not intelligent. All I'm saying is that I honestly don't understand why some people read books like this.

Maybe I'm a snob. Well, there you go. I am a snob.

Overall, like I said before, I'm never going to recommend the series. If I did, it would go against my personal ethics. Speaking of ethics...

"If you read the post I linked, you'll read that there are whispers of Edward and Bella's relationship being... well, unhealthy. I don't know what to really say about that. I just hope when girls read the books, they don't take what's been said and done as dating advice."

As a fledgling feminist, I have huge issues with the series for that reason. There seems to be evidence that Edward is controlling and a stalker. The sad thing is, some think he is romantic and everything he does is for the good of Bella. *spazes out* Last I checked, taking someone's engine out so they can't go see friends wasn't for anyone's good.

I'm gonna confess something. I have wrote about a guy who was abusive and made it into something romantic. That was before I knew better. So, yeah, remembering I made the same mistake and seeing it again in a published novel hits home.

Of course, the last sentence of that quote I still stand behind wholeheartedly.

"If reading this book has taught me anything, it was to make my characters stronger. Aren't books (even bad ones) supposed to teach writers how to write?"

In fact, I credit Twilight for helping me make some big changes to some characters I was working on.


Of course, I could go to list how the writing is just plain horrible and that an editor needed a red pen and a pitbull to attack the manuscript... how Meyer actually thinks her romance story is better than other famous ones... how some (not all) fans need to STFD (STFD = sit the fuck down) and realize that yes, people won't like the books and need to stop convincing them otherwise... and how some fans have actually committed physical harm against those who don't agree with their opinions.

Wait, I just did.

Long post is long. Seriously, I've been meaning to write this for a long time. I just didn't think about it until today. Nothing other than previous thoughts motivated me to do so.

I am 110% aware that not all Twilight fans are rabid and/or crazy. I know three very awesome, intelligent, well-read Twilight fans. You know who y'all are. And I just wanted to say that this is the best way I can explain my feelings about the series. If I were to speak it, it wouldn't be as articulate.

My intention is NOT to hurt other people's feelings. I just wanted to speak my mind, both honestly and fairly.


That's about it for me here. So, good night...

*leaves room*

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