Friday, December 11, 2009

Bullet list, your glorious presence is needed!

Alrighty, time for a few updates:

  • I gots me a Twitter. No, I ain't posting a link. I protected my tweets, so you couldn't even see them anyway unless I know you and you have a Twitter.
  • Finals week is upon me. So far, two down with two more to go. One is tomorrow, but it is emailing my professor my final short story and a revision. And guess what? The revision isn't working out! *rageguy*
  • I found out "Little Lies" (my fav Fleetwood Mac song) was sampled for some British chick's song. And yeah, the music is the only good part, obviously.
  • I mean... "put the loving on zoom" <-- some epic poetry, y'all.
  • While this has proven to be a good antidote to the aforementioned atrocity, it isn't working much. All I can think about is: how in God's name did a four-minute song turn eight in a live performance?
  • Changed the icon picture. Some easels at Oxford University, a picture I took during my overseas trip from last year. Iconized by my sister. You heard it here first: "iconized". Go to it, Merriam-Webster!
If you don't hear from me for a while, be assured that I'm well, just likely recovering (see: sleeping) from finals and preparing for the madness known better as the holiday shopping season.

Until then, goodnight...

0 musing(s):