Everyone, this is the 200th entry. From December 7, 2007 to April, 16, 2010: I, Lindsey aka Crazy Lady Writer, have consistently (for the most part) kept Musings… operational (for the most part) for almost three years. To commemorate this pretty awesome event, I like to first thank the readers for well, reading. I know your number is very few, and most of them comment on the RSS-ed blog posts on Facebook. I say to them only this:
I appreciate everything, but could y’all comment on the blog and not on my Facebook please?
Now you can put a face to the name:
I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume most of y'all didn't expect me to be an average-looking person of German/Irish descent...
Why yes, those are posters of Silent Hill and Rousseau's Tiger in A Tropical Storm behind me! How did ya know?
(this was taken in February, when my hair looked more awesome than it does now...)
I'm changing one thing about this bonanza... no autobiography. This blog's already self-centered as it is... XD. Instead, I'll bring back the ol' stand-by: the fun facts. It's autobiograpical, without the boredom.
There will be another post to help mark the bonanza, a brief note on feminism and equality rights.
And what a better way to mark a milestone than with some big news? I received an email a few days ago that I'm being honored for my work at my university's magazine in a ceremony the same week as my graduation.
That's about it for now. Stay tuned...
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