Friday, April 2, 2010

Counting down while reading

*5 more until 200*

As it gets closer to the 200th entry, I decided to take the time today to instead of being a sack of sad panda that I'll be a little more optimistic.

Last night, I finally finished reading Lolita. Never have I ever been so happy to finish a book. I respect it as a work of literature... but Good Lord. I hated every character in the book. I hated the story. Honestly, who cares about this man who had the fucking gall to justify what he's done?! If he felt so bad for his actions, then why did he even do them?! AUUUGHH.

I learned in my class that this book is full of clever puns and wordplay. Well yippie. That doesn't make up for its flaws.

But, do you know what's hilarious? I forgive Nabokov for all this because of one thing:

Speak, Memory was fantastic.

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