Friday, April 15, 2011

What's Been Happening So Far...

This weekend, as part of my job at the non-profit, I'm joining my co-workers in a parade. I already decorated my ridiculous fish hat with colorful curly ribbons to commemorate the good times. I'm excited about it, but also concerned. I think I am getting a cold, but that's not going to stop me. But it won't surprise me if I pass out Sunday night (also after going to see Vienna Teng in concert [whoo-hoo!]) and wake up the next day feeling like a semi had struck me.

So much to do with plenty of time to do it, believe it or not. Today, time is surplus.

I'm also thinking of taking up a few hobbies to help me through some of the rough patches in my life at the moment. Atop that, gain more skills and knowledge. Like bookbinding and making soaps, even going back to drawing. Though, the last thing I want to do is get bogged down in too many hobbies.

So far, got a few things done. A few more before going to the bookstore for a closing shift.

I need to stay on top of this blog.

0 musing(s):