- Can't believe school is almost over. Time has really flown!
- Ugh, didn't study much for my Philosophy test. It's safe to say that this and Shakespeare have promptly whomped me this semester.
I found this earlier today and properly LOL'd:
Though, I do have to make a geeky point... In Rainbows wasn't depressing, but if this image was made post-Kid A, then it would make more sense. Kid A would overpower Prozac. For reals. *slaps self for using leetspeak*
So anyways... this will be a short one. Good night...
ETA: Calm down, Radiohead fans, I didn't forget about Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief. I just don't recall them being that depressing. Then again, Amnesiac was quite a downer. Hail... was just weird.
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