Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An early birthday gift!

For a long time, I've been wanting a good, first-edition hardcover copy of Madeleine L'Engle's A House Like A Lotus for the longest time. After about two years of waiting, I finally purchased one off of eBay.

And guess what arrived earlier today?

Happy birthday to me! :D

Pardon the quality, I used my new phone's camera. Though, now looking at it, the quality is actually pretty good.

And yes, that's yours truly behind the book. I must remain anonymous on the interwebs! *gleeful laugh*

Well, sort of.

Oh yes. It must be explained that this book is my favorite of all time. And I have big dreams of adapting this to the screen. If I can just figure out how to translate the narrative structure...

ETA: It is sad to note that it is no longer in print. But, given that a few of L'Engle's books are being re-released... maybe this one will see a re-release. I need another book to shove into teens' faces--I mean, recommend to teens. I gotta have something else other than just Paper Towns. And this too.

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