Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Short Entries: Episode II: Attack of the Auuughs

Two things and then I must go... do things. Yes, that. Anyway.

1. Verdict on The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: it's okay. The story in itself is kind of flimsy, but then again, it is supposed to be a fable. Because of this, that may be why certain elements (e.g. "show-versus-telling") might be different from the storytelling I'm used to. However, I still have a problem with the book.

*Hark! There be spoilers!*


It's that damn law of attraction stuff. I'm all for the underlying message of the story ("don't give up and strive for your goal"), but when it got to the "world helps you to win" stuff... I gritted my teeth. What I hate about that is if that were the case, wouldn't everyone be in a good place right now? Sorry, I can't buy into an ideology that says only a few can win but only if you think happy thoughts. And also, if the underlying thought is: "be positive or all the bad shit that happens to you is your own damn fault", that's enough for me to discredit it.

To be fair, The Alchemist encourages action, while The Secret doesn't. I'll give Coelho that.

TL;DR version: book wasn't that bad, yet had shades of "law of attraction" nonsense.

2. Apologies in advance to my friend who likes True Blood and the Sookie Stackhouse books (you know who you are). I tried to read Dead After Dark for the second time, but got barely past the second chapter and decided to quit. It's just not picking up. Sorry, I tried. I really wanted to like it.

That's about it. See y'all Friday...

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