Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm sorry, I can't hear you all...

over the sound of my awesomeness.

At 3:46 AM local time on this day, my novel (now renamed to More Than Thorns) reached 51,425 words. I did it. I won NaNoWriMo. Happy early birthday to me!

I would like to thank the following:

-my sister for making a lovely necklace. It had good luck symbols (thyme and green aventurine) in a little glass bottle. Without this early birthday gift, I wouldn't have the drive to keep going.

-the new Talking Heads DVD for providing the best reward incentive: for every 2K of words to get closer to the end, I watch a performance.

-M83 and their new album Hurry Up, We're Dreaming. While listening to this fine album, it helped set the mood for the final 7K. "Steve McQueen" is glorious synth in its finest hour.


Now for some party-time music. Enjoy while I go over here and pass out. Gotta go to work later today and all.

0 musing(s):