Saturday, November 5, 2011

Just found out my GRE scores

...and well, yeah. Ain't posting them. Let's just say I could've done so much better. (And maybe even a little ashamed...)

Atop that, I also found out that I can only retake it sixty days after I originally did it. So that means that I can't retake it in time... damn.


Did somewhat better on the Verbal than I thought. Not as much on the Analytical Writing. And Quantitative? Not well at all. Here's my surprise (spoiler: there's none).

I keep finding signs that point to quit worrying and keep going, but I still can't help it (see the last time I talked about this). I've read blogs, hell even found an interview with someone from the grad school I want to apply to that said they don't "look at the GPA or GRE that much" and that "[i]t's based [ninety] percent on the writing sample". That's assuring, but what's the ten percent?! The mystery thickens...

And with linking, I (inadvertently?) finally reveal the grad school I'm applying for: The Michener Center for Writers at University of Texas at Austin.

Which then leads to the main question y'all are probably thinking: why only one school, Frustrated Lady Writer? Aren't you encouraged to apply for several at a time? Answer: I have considered applying for several schools, but right now, I can only afford to move within  my state. Plus, Michener Center is the only school in the state that have multidisciplinary studies (i.e. I can study two things at once, in this case Fiction and Screenwriting). In all honesty, I would love nothing more than to be accepted into the Michener Center. But if I don't, I plan on moving away anyway and I'll apply for one of those low-residency ones.

So, there you go. What's been on my mind these days... among other things.

0 musing(s):