Friday, June 27, 2014

Going For It (or: Waiting on Others Is Not A Good Idea)

Earlier this year I mentioned that I was going to do Camp NaNoWriMo with my sister, but as it got closer, it became apparent that this wasn't going to happen. My sister changed her mind, I was really looking forward to what she was thinking of writing, and I got swept up in the job hunt and working on my own writings.

As the month of June comes to an end, the month we would've done Camp NaNoWriMo, I realized something very important: if I want to do something, why do I wait on others to join me? Oftentimes, I do it because I want my loved ones to join in all the fun. The other reason, sometimes, I hate doing things alone. I still find it weird to go to the movies or eating at a restaurant or even going to a concert alone (though I've done these many times solo). I have said to others before that I don't mind doing a lot of things alone, but there are times I do feel like a hypocrite (like now).

But why do I fret about being forever alone? I am not in the least! I have friends I stay in touch with and I have a very strong relationship with my parents and little sister. We are just independent people with different schedules and things to do. And knowing me, the moment I do find people that will join me in the fun, I'll start wishing for the days when I did everything alone (ye gods, self, make up your damn mind!).

Right now, it's finding the balance to do what I love alone and doing it with my loved ones. It's only a matter of doing.

Whether I do NaNoWriMo with a bunch of peeps this year or go see Stop Making Sense alone next month, I'll figure it out one of these days. Or at least, get a general idea.


Side note: I'm currently reading the archives of Susannah Conway's excellent blog. I absolutely love her work and look forward to getting a copy of her book one of these days!

0 musing(s):