Wow, I had to drop an English class. That is unheard of... for me. But, it is for the best that I take a step back and look over my life as it is right now. I've never been this self-aware before, which is both exhilarating and infuriating.
Because of my stress, and other things likely, I'm now ill! I can't have this, not when my surgery is two weeks away! I hope it goes away soon...
As for school reading, I'm eager to begin The Great Gatsby. Also, my editing textbook... which reads like any textbook: boring and methodical. But hey, an AP style open-book quiz is this Monday! XP
Going to the counselor has revealed that pretty much everything my parents and my sister have been telling me for years... is valid. Well, looks like I should've listened to everyone, huh? :P
I don't know if I still want to be a writer, or even pursue my current degree plan. But, I'll have to ride out this semester and see what happens.
Special thanks go out to my family and my friends for being supportive and loving, and a salute to my counselor for helping me get back on my feet.
Recently, I found a poster promoting Fear of Music by Talking Heads. I should be getting it soon! :D
It's my reward for going to counseling.
I leave you, rocking out to nothing... well, maybe to the sound of my AC, if I can detect a rhythm.
P.S.: I'm having font issues. It'll be fixed the next time around...
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