Saturday, March 24, 2012

On The Hunger Games movie...

The Hunger Games was an underwhelming film. It lacked the urgency, the horror, and pathos of the book. To me, this is the most grievous thing a book-to-film adaptation can do. I know the violence would've given it an R rating, but at this time, that might've been better.

It also relies heavily on the fact that its audience has read the book already. Don't believe me? Take a step back and pretend you've never read the book. Story seems a little rushed and simplistic? Characters underdeveloped? Yep. I can't believe the film did that to its viewers. I feel bad for those who've never read the books and wanted more nuance from the film. They were not the intended audience. So yeah, if you realized all that too, don't worry, you're not the only one.

"The movie is heavily faithful to the source material?" HA! And I'm a Pulitzer Prize-winning author.

The movie was already plagued with casting problems (e.g. only white actresses were allowed to try out for Katinss, though the book describes her as having a dark skin tone), so without even trying, I found two more strikes against the film. And it's out.

If you've enjoyed the film, that's wonderful. Really, it is. Just please, do not tell me I'm being a spoilsport and ruining everyone's fun. That says more about you than it does me.


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