Monday, December 22, 2008

Goal completed!

As of tonight, I completed my "read 56 books in a year" goal! Book #56 was Neil Gaiman's Coraline, which was a wonderful little read.

I didn't think I could do it, but this proves otherwise. I'll continue until I lower my book back-log, which was the original reason I set up such a lofty goal.


Today, my family and I took a road trip out to a camping area we used to frequent. Nothing much had changed. When we stopped at a little antique store in the nearby town, I found a few books: old paperback versions of Deliverance by James Dickey and I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan.

Stopping there also keeps a life-long theory of mine afloat: go to any small town (by the coast is better), stop at a bookstore or local antique shop, and take note that about 90% of all the books sold there are used copies of romance novels. I know the reason why this is the case, but it never fails to entertain me.

At the local theater there (yes, this tiny town had a functioning theater), two films were playing: The Day the Earth Stood Still and Twilight. *Screams at the last one and runs for the hills*


Oh man, I think I'm a secret Iron Maiden fan. Already, I proved I was a secret Rush fan earlier when I bought Moving Pictures for Rock Band 2 DLC.


I leave you, thrilled about the future.


P.S.: Nice going, WB. Taking down yer video channels and all that business. You fail.

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