Friday, May 10, 2013

Baby Houses and Other Possible Avenues of Home Ownership

For a while, I considered getting a tiny house, or as I like to call them "baby houses". Don't know what a tiny house is? Check out this excellent definition from Wikipedia.

It seems like a great idea, downsizing to fit enough into a small space. Besides me and my cat, there would be all the stuff I could feasibly keep in there. The only issue I would have is where would I put the dang house? If it stayed at my parents' place, well why bother? Just live in the house already on the lot! And where else could I put it? I can't begin to consider it.

Sadly, my baby house dreams will remain only dreams. Though it is still fun to waste an hour or two looking at pictures of them.

Despite that, after thinking about it for a long time, I have decided I would rather own than rent. For some reason, I would feel better about it in the long run. It's a long time investment. Also, I have an awesome father that taught me a lot of things regarding home improvement (and then some), so it's not like I'll be completely ignorant on owning and maintaining (thanks Dad!).

The family home is very old, built in the forties, so there are a ton of things that most houses don't have these days (e.g. lead paint, asbestos, natural gas heaters [we still have all the vents for the space heaters throughout the house], giant backyard) so I would have some knowledge of older appliances if I happen to go that route of getting a home older than my parents. Not getting into fixer-uppers though, more like a time-sink than anything.

But that is far into the future. Dunno if the house will be in my current town or somewhere else. Kinda leaving that up in the air right now.

0 musing(s):